The management and administration of blocks of flats, whether they are purpose built or converted from older houses, and private residential estates, is a quite unique form of property management requiring specialised skills and an in-depth knowledge of legislation not normally found within the average letting agency or estate agent.
Landlords and residents’ management companies struggle to deal with the increasing complexities of block management.
Their responsibilities range from fulfilling the obligations specified in the lease relating to the maintenance and management of the building and common areas, as well as accounting for service charge and reserve fund income and expenditure, to complying with a significant array of legislative requirements, specifically those contained in the following :-
There are others, but these are the most important.
Hastings Property Management has a proven track record in this highly specialised area of block management. We have the experience and take a very proactive interest in the properties we manage, to ensure that the value of properties is not only maintained but enhanced wherever possible.
We offer services that include: